HP2 for PC. Caches. Part 2


On this page — caches of levels : Diffindo Challenge, Boomslang Skin, A piece of Goyle, Slytherin Rooms.

Rattlesnake Willow (2) Rictusempra Challenge (7)
Skurge challenge (7) The Horn of the Two – Horned (7)
Diffindo Challenge (11) Boomslang Skin (3)
A piece of Goyle (8) Slytherin Rooms (8)
Spongify Challenge (16) Forbidden Forest (4)
Chamber of Secrets1 (3) Chamber of Secrets2 (4)
Surroundings during the day (8) Surroundings at night (6)
Main entrance and corridor (12) Grand Staircase (10)

Diffindo Challenge (11)

Hiding place No. 1 Hiding place No. 1.
An arch with floral ornaments, up to the entrance to the courtyard with snails.
A chest of sweets.
No. 1 Location Behind the flower arch
Hiding place No. 2.
Press 4 buttons along the perimeter of the walls — a hiding place will open in the depths of the courtyard.
Silver Card No. 70 «Leopoldina Smethwyck»
Hiding place No. 2
Courtyard with snails No. 2 Location
Hiding place No. 3 Hiding place No. 3.
The chest from which Peeves jumps out.
No. 3 Location A pit in a clearing with mushrooms and blocks
Hiding place No. 4.
Take the Lumos, climb the steps, run along the bar with the rope to the other end without cutting the rope. Lumos will light up the cache.
Hiding place No. 4
Above, behind a bar on a rope No. 4 Location
Hiding place No. 5 Hiding place No. 5.
After finding the Hiding Place No. 4 — cut the rope, the bar will fall down, run along it in the direction opposite to the gargoyle.
A hiding place with a ladder will appear on the right.
A chest with a card.
Bronze Card No. 18 «Uric the Oddball»
No. 5 Location A cache with a ladder
Hiding place No. 6.
Going into Hiding place No. 5 — climb up the stairs, throw the block down. Go back to the gargoyle, push the block that fell from above deeper into the niche.
On the right, behind the flower arch, a hiding place will open.
A chest with a card.
Silver Card No. 8 «Derwent Shimpling»
Hiding place No. 6
The cache with the fallen block No. 6 Location
Hiding place No. 7 Hiding place No. 7.
Climb the plank to the fortress wall (cutting off only the nearest rope). Find a portrait on the wall. A hiding place with access to the gallery.
Sweets, pots of sweets.
A jar of mucus.
A chest with a card.
Silver Card No. 85 «Blenheim Stalk»
No. 7 Location Behind the portrait on the fortress wall
Hiding place No. 8.
Drive 2 snails onto the platforms — the door to the house will open.
Opposite the entrance, under the ceiling — a button opens the attic, cut the rope.
Hiding place No. 8
A house on the square with snails. No. 8 Location
Hiding place No. 9 Hiding place No. 9.
Cut the ropes, bring down the bridge. Just behind the bridge is an arch with a floral ornament.
A chest with a card.
Bronze Card No. 49 «Elladora Ketteridge»
No. 9 Location Behind the flower arch after the arch bridge
Hiding place No. 10.
After the clearing with poisonous plants there will be an arch with a floral ornament, next to a spider web.
A chest with a card.
Bronze Card No. 21 «Lord Stoddard Withers»
Hiding place No. 10
Behind the flower arch next to the cobweb No. 10 Location
Hiding place No. 11 Hiding place No. 11.
At the beginning of a long corridor, at the end, open a hiding place with a platform for a snail.
Survive the battle with 3 snails, one of which is driven onto the platform.
Candy. A chest with a card.
Silver Card No. 87 «Thaddeus Thurkell»
No. 11 Location A hiding place with a snail trap

Boomslang Skin (3)

Hiding place No. 1 Hiding place No. 1.
A button on the floor opens the wall next to it.
Candy. A statue with a gargoyle.
No. 1 Location Moving tracks
Hiding place No. 2.
Take the lumos in the Hiding Place No. 1. Use the valve on the wall to move the tracks, run along them.
A niche in the wall will light up.
A chest with a card.
Silver Card No. 90 «Sacharissa Tugwood»
Hiding place No. 2
Moving tracks No. 2 Location
Hiding place No. 3 Hiding place No. 3.
Without jumping into the greenhouse, run to the right along the fortress wall to the end. A sign on the end of the wall.
A chest of sweets.
No. 3 Location To the right of the greenhouse

A piece of Goyle (8)

Hiding place No. 1 Hiding place No. 1.
Throw off the block from the fireplace, move it to the closet, climb in and light the Lumos.
A chest with a card.
Silver Card No. 62 «Ignatia Wildsmith»
No. 1 Location Living room with fireplace
Hiding place No. 2.
After the crab pad. The web is opposite the burrow.
A chest of sweets.
Hiding place No. 2
Crossing with the Gnome’s Burrow No. 2 Location
Hiding place No. 3 Hiding place No. 3.
To climb through the window, the gargoyle highlights an opening in the wall.
A chest of sweets.
No. 3 Location The attic is outside the window
Hiding place No. 4.
A gargoyle opens behind the web on the cabinet, lumos illuminates the opening between the cabinets.
A chest of sweets.
Hiding place No. 4
Library No. 4 Location
Hiding place No. 5 Hiding place No. 5.
After the battle with the crab behind bars. Open the lock at the top right, climb the steps, run along the ledge to the gargoyle.
A chest with sweets and a card.
Bronze Card No. 44 «Devlin Whitehorn»
No. 5 Location The niche behind the gargoyle above the quest with blades
Hiding place No. 6.
Lumos highlights a niche in the wall.
A chest with 3 frogs.
Hiding place No. 6
A room with ectoplasm No. 6 Location
Hiding place No. 7 Hiding place No. 7.
At the top of the fortress wall, cut the rope so that the bridge leans back.
Enter the clearing, defeat bowtruckle, cut the upper rope to lower the chest.
A chest with sweets and a card.
Silver Card No. 22 «Circe»
No. 7 Location The clearing behind the bridge
Hiding place No. 8.
Run along the stream, around the corner to defeat the crab and take lumos. A small niche in the wall will light up.
A chest of sweets.
Hiding place No. 8
In the wall along the stream No. 8 Location

Slytherin Rooms (8)

Hiding place No. 1 Hiding place No. 1.
Find the ring on the wall. Open the Flippendo sign, hit it with a spell — a cache with steps will open.
A chest of sweets.
3 signs on the wall, pushing out ledges over the abyss, along which you can jump to the balcony where the chest with the card is located.
Silver Card No. 3 «Elfrida Clagg»
No. 1 Location Before the lowered bridge
Hiding place No. 2.
Take the Lumos, turn to the right of the statue with the Lumos, jump over the moving steps over the abyss. A hiding place will light up in the wall.
A chest of sweets, armor of knights with knockout candies.
Hiding place No. 2
Long steps with Lumos and pixies No. 2 Location
Hiding place No. 3 Hiding place No. 3.
Take a Lumos, run along the steps, find moving steps over the abyss, jump over them to the illuminated niche in the wall.
Knight’s armor with knockout candies.
A chest of sweets.
A chest with a card.
Bronze Card No. 24 «Adalbert Waffling»
No. 3 Location Long steps with Lumos and pixies
Hiding place No. 4.
In the middle of the gallery, a painting on the wall opens the entrance to a secret corridor that leads to the library. There is a bare wall on the library side, which can be raised by hitting with an Alohomor spell.
A web with spiders.
Hiding place No. 4
The secret corridor between the gallery and the library No. 4 Location
Hiding place No. 5 Hiding place No. 5.
Find a ring on the wall, it lowers cabinets that you can climb up. When jumping on the 3rd cabinet, a small niche in the wall opens.
A chest with a card.
Bronze Card No. 67 «Justus Pilliwickle»
No. 5 Location Library, hiding place above the cabinets
Hiding place No. 6.
Hit the spell on the 2nd coat of arms of Slytherin to the right and left of the Gargoyle. The gargoyle will drop down, opening a niche.
A chest with a card.
Silver Card No. 17 «Morgan le Fay»
Hiding place No. 6
The hiding place behind the gargoyle No. 6 Location
Hiding place No. 7 Hiding place No. 7.
Hit the water source with an Alohomora, the door will open.
A chest with a card.
Bronze Card No. 95 «Yardley Platt»
No. 7 Location The hiding place behind the fountain
Hiding place No. 8.
From the living room to run deeper. To the left is the girls’ bedroom, they are not allowed in there. To the right — half of the boys. Climb the stairs to the top.
A chest of sweets.
Hiding place No. 8
Entrance to the boys’ bedroom No. 8 Location

The page uses graphic material from a computer game HP and the Chamber of Secrets.
All rights to the game belong to the company Electronic Arts Inc.

Placement and web design: OOKS.