Operating systems Linux



Operating systems of the Linux family. They appeared in 1991 and since then have evolved significantly and formed many subfamilies that control a variety of devices: servers, computers, portable devices (including «smart phones»).

A distinctive feature of most systems in this family is the cost: the system is free. Only special assemblies and professional technical support are paid.

The ancestor of Linux is the Unix operating system, which was developed back in the late 1960s and has an interesting feature — a countdown from January 1, 1970.

No Harry Potter games have been officially released for Linux, but some games can theoretically be run using the Wine package, which can create something reminiscent of Windows inside Linux.

We tried running «Prisoner of Azkaban» on a virtual machine running Ubuntu Linux 14.041 and the latest version of Wine: even in these conditions, the game agreed to run, albeit with low frames per second and broken speech in dialogues characters — managed to more or less normally reach the first save book 😉

1 — Ubuntu is one of the popular Linux subfamilies. The numbers «14.04» mean the release date of the system: 2014 and 4 months, that is, April 2014. According to an old tradition, most families of Linux operating systems are updated once every 6 months — in April and October.

Wrote about «penguins»: АlехeyMS