Koops Lessons


The description may contain errors and inaccuracies, as Koops does not comment on its actions.

1. The first lesson

List of actions from the video.

  • (cube 512x512x512, squeeze out)
  • (1 more)
  • (3 — passage, and narrower)
  • (texturing)
  • (light bulbs)
  • (we put Harry, turn it 180)
  • (we put the filling)
  • (trigger + TurnOnAllSpels trigger, the starting point)

2. Creating a block that can be moved with a Flipendo spell

List of actions from the video.

  • Splash screen: «Koops presents».
  • Splash screen: «Lesson Block Flipendo».
  • Action: in the Resource browser, on the «Textures» tab, click on the «Open» button.
  • In the dialog box that opens, we find the folder with the game (which is located in the folder with the editor).
  • In it, go to the folder Textures.
  • We select all utx packages and wait for «Open».
  • We are waiting for the end of importing all packages.
  • In the drop-down list of the texture browser, we find the HP2_Master package, and in it the wall_runners section.
  • In the toolbar, click the «Cube» button. We set all 3 sizes to 512 and click «Build». We close the cube creation window.
  • Making the cube hollow.
  • We go to the window of the three-dimensional representation and glue the cube with textures from the inside (walls).
  • n the texture Browser, select the «Floors» section, select the floor textures.
  • In the texture browser, select the «Cells» section, select the ceiling textures.
  • Adding lighting sources to the cube.
  • Adding a player start point (PlayerStart).
  • In the browser, go to the tree of actors and select Pawn — PlayerPawn — KPlayerPawn — harry.
  • Adding an actor to the cube.
  • Using the toolbar, we create another cube (Cube 2) with dimensions of 512x512x512. We make it hollow. We place it to the right of the first cube.
  • Using the toolbar, we create another cube (Cube 3) with dimensions 128x128x128. Cut it out and place it in Cube 2. Paste the texture from the FlipendoBlocks package over the Blocks section (side faces). We take the top one from the HP2_Master — Floors package. we select the side surfaces and set the Unit and Special Poly attribute to them. Close the surface settings window.
  • Creating a CUBE 4 with dimensions of 256x256x256. It should absorb Cube 3. Next, cut it out, go to CUBE 1.
  • In the toolbar, click on the Mover button, select GridMover in the menu. In the properties of GridMover we set GridMover — MoveIncrement = 128, Display — bShadowCast = False
  • Click the «Build All» button.
  • Saving the level to the Maps folder. Starting the game.

3. Creating the abyss, and also teaching Harry to climb blocks

List of actions from the video

  • We make 3 cubes in a row 512х512х512.
  • We make cube No. 4 in the middle, so that the letter T turns out.
  • Texturing.
  • In particular, we paint the walls and bottom of the pit into something noticeable.
  • We make a 64×256 cube, place it in the middle at ground level above the pit, click Add, texture.
  • Adding light.
  • Draw a 512×512 plate, put it under the platform in the pit, select SkyBox in the textures.
  • Select the plate, click Add Special -> Zone Portal -> OK.
  • In the tree of actors Info -> Zone Info -> Set at the bottom of the pit (but above the plate).
  • In the properties, we climb to the very bottom, select the Zone Info section, there we write bPainZone = True, DamagePerSec = 200.
  • Select the polygons of the pit walls, right-click -Surface Properties — Special Poly.
  • We set the starting point and Harry.
  • Compile, save the map and run.

4. Add doors

List of actions from the video.

  • Draw 2 rooms with a gap between them, where we are going to place the doorway.
  • We texture the walls, floor, roof.
  • The polygon corresponding to the place of the intended doorway is textured with the texture of the arch.
  • We put the light on.
  • Tools menu -> 2D editor -> Open button -> select HP2/System/Arch.2ds file. The outline of the arch will load.
  • Click the Extrude button, in the window that appears, set the thickness of the arch (usually equal to the thickness of the gap between the rooms), OK. A red arch frame appeared on the playing field.
  • Place the brush in the desired location (i.e. at the site of the opening), click Subtract. We have a doorway, now we need to make a door.
  • Texture the inside of the arch (optional).
  • Draw a cube with larger dimensions separately from the entire level. Just like above, we create a brush in the shape of an arch, but with a smaller thickness.
  • We squeeze out, we get the door. But the textures are crooked, we need to fix them. Therefore, we select all polygons on both sides of the door -> right mouse button -> Align selected -> Align Wall Direction. Once again, the right mouse button -> Align Wall Panning.
  • We select the blue brush itself, the right mouse button — Polygons — Merge. Once again, the right mouse button -> Align Wall Panning.
  • Select polygons on both sides, right mouse button -> Surface Properties -> in the Pan section, click the buttons so that the texture fits into the shape of the door.
  • Draw a cube a little bigger than the door, set it flush with the door, but so that it flows around the sides and from above. Click Intersect.
  • We place our brush in the doorway.
  • Right-click on the Add Special Brush -> Mover button.
  • We expose the key frames to the mover (open / closed), as indicated in the adjacent section of this.
  • The right mouse button on the mover is> Object -> initialState: TriggerToggle. Above, Events -> Tag: Door (any word, strictly speaking).
  • In the MoverSounds section, we set the sounds that will sound when the door is opened/closed (optional).
  • Even higher, Mover -> MoverEncroachT: ME_IgnoreWhenEncroach, MoveTime -> 2.000000 (opening time in seconds).
  • We put 2 triggers on both sides of the door, select them, the right mouse button ->Properties -> Events -> Events: Door (i.e. we write the same word as we wrote above).
  • We set the starting point and Harry.
  • Compile, save the map and run.

5. Implementing the Spongify spell mechanics

Note: initially this page had several video tutorials, then Serhiy1994 created a simplified text description of these videos. And then the author of the video deleted his channel. As a result, only these text descriptions remained. In general, this is historical material 😉 In October 2024, Serhiy1994 decided to restore the article, based on files from the Web Archive.

The author of the text description: Serhiy1994, based on the deleted videos of Koops1997.

Web archive page.