You may have wondered how many spells actually support the first computer games about Harry’s adventures, for the computer.
In fact, these games support exactly as many spells as you’ve seen in these games themselves. But if you look into the settings of spell triggers and other components of games, you will get the following data: in the first game there are about 18 spells, in the second 27. Well, in the third there are 25 of them.
But the spells that are missing in the gameplay are either not implemented at all, or partially implemented. For example, Avifores in the first game: the resources of the game have all the necessary resources, but this spell never became part of the gameplay. Although there were even hints created about how to use it.
In general, here are the lists of spells that are mentioned in the code of computer games (Windows, Mac).
Chamber of Secrets
- Alohomora
- Incendio
- LocomotorWibbly
- Lumos
- Nox
- Petrificus Totalus
- Wingardium Leviosa
- Verdimillious
- Vermillious
- Flintifores
- Reparo
- Mucor Ad Nauseum
- Flipendo
- Ectomatic
- Avifores
- FireCracker
- Transfiguration
- WingSustain
- Diffindo
- Skurge
- Spongify
- Rictusempra
- Ecto
- Fire
- Duel Rictusempra
- Duel Mimblewimble
- Dual Expelliarmus
Prisoner of Azkaban
- AlohomoraSpell
- baseSpell
- BundimunSpell
- Debris
- DementorSpell
- DepulsoSpell
- DraconisForsFireSpell
- DraconisForsSpell
- EctoSpell
- FireCrabSpell
- GlaciusSpell
- IncendioSpell
- LapiforsSpell
- LumosSpell
- PatronumDementorSpell
- PatronumSpell
- Projectile
- ProjectileSpell
- RetractumSpell
- RictusempraSpell
- RictusempraSpell_Combat
- SalamAttackSpell
- SalamRespawnSpell
- SpongifySpell
- VerdimillousSpell
Well, now let’s look at some examples of the use of technical magic.
We teach Harry all the implemented spells
To do this, HP2 has a special trigger — TriggerTurnOnAllSpells
It’s enough for Harry to pass through it and all the spells available in the game will become known to him. You can find more information about triggers in other sections of our website.
We use the spell Spongify in HP2
The video tutorial and text description can be viewed here.
Prisoner of Azkaban. Disabling rabbit/dragon control with a trigger (Dmitry «Lemon»)
We put MessageTrigger (located in the triggers branch). Set tag (for example LapiforOff) set event (LapiforPawn or AviforPawn), open the settings tab MessageTrigger and in the line nOnEvent we write: EndCreaturePossess. Done. When the trigger is activated, the rabbit/dragon turns off and control returns to Hermione.
The trigger must be connected to a thing that is activated by a creature, for example, to a door.