Shrinking Solution


Recipes for shrinking potions on the Pottermore website and in the games «Half-Blood Prince» and «Wonderbook: A Book of Potions».

Shrinking Solution — the original name.

Half-Blood Prince

In the game «Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince» you need to brew a Shrinking potion for Ginny.
Crabbe would use it to lose some weight.
The recipe is reduced to just a few ingredients.

1. Furry caterpillars (not named)
2. Dried figs (shake)
3. Rat spleen
4. Leeches (not named)


PottermoreWonderbookThe recipe has been expanded, but the «branded set» of ingredients remains the same.
This shrinking potion is more difficult than many people think after the first sip, and it is able to reduce. This potion is best applied to diehard vile monsters that do not succumb to charms or spells. On the other hand, this is the best choice if you want to take revenge (and sometimes make a joke …). In other words – the dream of a clever wizard.
The shrinking potion is very useful, but you need to concentrate for cooking.

Pottermore Wonderbook
Part 1
1. Put 2 figs in a mortar.
2. Crush the figs with a pestle.
3. Add 5 measures of squeezed juice to the cauldron.
4. Stir 6 times clockwise.
5. Heat on low heat for 25 seconds.
Squeeze out the wilting figs and add the juice to the cauldron. Stir slowly and heat slightly.
6. Add 4 portions of finely chopped daisy roots to the cauldron. Finely chop the roots of the daisy and add to the cauldron.
7. Put 5 furry caterpillars in a mortar.
8. Crush the caterpillars with a pestle.
9. Add 5 measures of crushed caterpillars to the cauldron.
10. Wave a wand.
11. Let it steep.
12. Wave a wand.
Add furry caterpillars.
Part 2
1. Pour 3 drops of wormwood tincture into the cauldron.
2. Stir 10 times clockwise.
Add wormwood, just shake it. And stir it quickly.
3. Put 4 leeches in a mortar.
4. Pound the leeches with a pestle.
5. Add 3 measures of leech juice to the cauldron.
6. Stir 6 times counterclockwise.
Squeeze the juice out of a few leeches and add it to the cauldron. Stir slowly.
7. Put 1 rat spleen in a mortar.
8. Crush the rat’s spleen into a paste.
9. Add 2 measures of crushed paste to the cauldron.
Add rat spleen powder.
10. Pour 3 drops of hemlock into the cauldron. Add a drop of hemlock.
11. Stir 5 times clockwise.
12. Heat to a high temperature for 10 seconds.
13. Wave a wand.
14. Let it brew.
15. Wave your wand to complete the potion.
Stir slowly, then turn up the heat.
Wave your wand over the cauldron – to the side and down – and say «Reducio»

The page uses graphic material from the Pottermore website and from games «Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince» and «Wonderbook: Book of Potions».
All rights to the games belong to the companies Electronic Arts Inc and SCEE.

Placement and web design : OOKS.