Actual Games
Games of… ЕА Games
- HP and Philosopher’s stone (2001/2003)
- HP and The Chamber of secrets (2002)
- HP: Quidditch World Cup (2003)
- HP and the prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
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- HP and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
- HP and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)
- HP and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
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- HP and the Deathly Hallows. Part 1 (2010)
- HP and the Deathly Hallows. Part 2 (2011)
Games of… TT Games
- LEGO HP: 1-4 years (2010)
- LEGO HP: 5-7 years (2011)
- Skurge Challenge (2002)
- WaW: Stories (Autumn adventure)
- ГП и мрачные земли [RU] (2020)
- Хогвартс: Иная история [RU] (2020)
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- Tic-tac-toe
- Roller!
Other games
- Псевдочат «Симулятор» [RU] (2008)
- Fantastic Beasts VR
- Mastering Magic J2ME
- LEGO Creator: Philosopher’s stone (2001)
- LEGO Creator: Chamber of secrets (2002)
Services games (shareware, Free-to-Play)
- Hogwarts Mystery. (2018)
- Wizard’s Unite (2019).
- Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells (2020).
Exclusives or simply gone down in history
- Fantastic Beasts: Cases From the Wizarding World (2016)
- WonderBook PS3
- Harry Potter for Kinect XBox 360
- HP Spells iOS
- Pottermore (2012-2015-2019)