Hello! Cornelius Fudge issued an order:
I, Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic, are ordering all the magic schools in my region to add support for so-called Muggle magic.
This will increase the rating of our schools, compared to all others.
I appoint Lucius Malfoy as inspectors. He will periodically call to school or may come in person.
Deadline for the execution of the order: September 1, 5:00.
Date of publication: August 31, 18:00
After the meeting, Professor Dumbledore appointed responsible for the transformation of the school of the incomparable Gilderoy Lockhart, who indicated that he knew everything about Muggle technology and what a magical-technical school should look like.
Gilderoi studied photographs of technical schools, as well as a couple of textbooks on computer science and electronics.
In the process of transforming the school, Gilderoy fell out with Argus Filch …
What did you end up with?
The usual learning process, but in slightly modified scenery 😉
Record this stream (in Russian).
P.S. Despite the strangeness of what is happening in the video, in it you can see references to famous scientists, as well as some third-party topics …
P.P.S. Thanks to Rina Herman and SakuraHynan for their help in the implementation of this strange idea :-).