THE END. End of the game



For our website visitors — nostalgic VIDEO — beginning and end in Harry Potter games.

Everything once began, and we remember by heart how each Harry Potter game begins. How many times have you started the game!

Music: «Time Machine», A. Makarevich «For those who are in the sea»

But how the game ends — few know. Someone could not reach the final, did not want to play, did not have enough strength. And those who reached the end — usually try to quickly, quickly slip through and, finally, complete the passage. And that’s why they don’t really remember too much — what was there at all, at the end of the game?

THE END. Videos

Choose: icon icon icon_hp3 icon_hp4 icon_hp5 hp6 icon_hp7 icon_hp8 | Selected: Prisoner of Azkaban

Author of the idea and video «End Game HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban»: Harri500Potter
Video : IraOOKS.

Reorganization for current web standards: AlexeyMS. I had to abandon the prefabricated icon that simulates a video frame and the OOKS corporate identity.