So, the game is completed and already bored, or there are difficulties in the passage that cannot be solved in the main passage mode? If this is the case, the special codes provided by the developers of the game engine and the game itself can help.
How do you enter these same codes? It takes a little patience and attention.
Activating debug mode
The first method: entering the code during the game.
During the game, when a level is loaded, start typing the following text harrydebugmodeon, simply by pressing the keys. Enter approximately 2 letters per second. It may not work the first time. The keyboard layout must be English (to switch it, press Ctrl + Shift, or Alt+Shift until it works out). If all is OK, service information (green text) will appear at the top of the screen.
Same thing, but in steps:
- If you are using software to switch the keyboard layout automatically, make sure you switch it off. It can interfere with code entry.
- Start the game, choose any level (we must have Harry in front of us, otherwise it won’t work)
- Let’s start typing harrydebugmodeon until green letters appear at the top. Type at the same pace!!! No pauses — about 2 letters per second!
- As soon as the game realises it’s the right code — debug mode is activated and the green text appears.
Method two: editing the configuration file hp.ini
- In the «Documents» folder (in Windows 98-XP: «My Documents»), find the «Harry Potter» subfolder and open it.
- Make a copy of the hp.ini file (the «ini» extension is often hidden from inexperienced users and only «HP» is visible).
- Open the hp.ini file with a text editor (preferably Notepad++).
- Find the line (usually at the very end) «bDebugMode=False«
- Replace in it False to True.
- Save the changes to the file.
- Return to the folder with this file, right-click on it.
- Select «Properties».
- In the window that appears, find the «Read-only» checkbox and select it (click on it until \/ appears in it).
- Press the screen button «ОК».
If this is done correctly, the green text will appear when you start the game and you can skip the screensaver with the spacebar. I.e. the same as after entering the code harrydebugmodeon.
The main disadvantage of this method is that access to Quidditch competitions will be blocked (the relevant keys will not be able to be updated due to the read-only attribute being set).
Added at the request of a visitor DOBBBI
Note: this option is automated and available in the software «HP and Your PC».
The third way: editing the file user.ini
- In the «Documents» folder (in Windows 98-XP: «My Documents»), find the «Harry Potter» subfolder and open it.
- Make a copy of the user.ini file (the «ini» extension is often hidden from inexperienced users and only «USER» is visible)
- Open the user.ini file with a text editor (preferably Notepad++).
- Find the line with the name of any key and add the command immediately after the «=» sign «set HPBase.baseConsole bDebugMode true«
- Save the changes to the file.
- Return to the folder with this file, right-click on it.
- Select «Properties».
- In the window that appears, find the «Read-only» checkbox and select it (click on it until \/ appears in it).
- Press the screen button «ОК».
If done correctly, when the game is running, just press the key you selected in user.ini to activate debug mode.
Variant indicated by Andrey Odarenko
Activating the optional console (fly, ghost, walk)
To enter more serious codes (commands) there is a special game console — a window at the bottom of which you have to enter commands. The upper part of the window displays commands that have already been executed. So, start calling the console. To do this:
- Press the key ~.
- Typing: set engine.playerpawn bcheatsenabled true
In this way, additional codes will become available to us.
This command must be repeated periodically — it may be reset when you move to the next level or location.
Default code keys:
F7 — takes the game out of debug mode.
F8 – switches the in-game camera.
F2—F5 – F2-F5 — jumps around the level locations (can disrupt the gameplay).
Spacebar – speeds up playback of splash screens or skips to the next cue.
General control commands (restart, exit, save, tempo)
flush — fix texture transparency issue — thanks to UnWorld
savegame 1 – save the game without a book of saves
quicksave — save game
quickload — Load the game
restartlevel — restart the level
quit – quit the game
slomo # — Game speed
setfriction # — Vibrate while walking
fov # — FOV camera
rmode # (1,2,5) — Set rendering mode
fly – Harry loses a lot of weight, turns off when you use his wand.
ghost – Ghost mode. Wand is unavailable, but you can walk through walls.
walk – this switches Harry back to normal mode (the Ghost mode is disabled). Sometimes this makes Harry invisible, but he can still move around.
harrygetsfullhealth – the additional health (the lightning bolt is completely filled)
Movement, jumps
harrysuperjump – superjump.
harrynormaljump – big jump.
setspeed – change the speed of Harry.
setfriction – set the value of friction force. 0 — slip, default setting is 10
set harry groundspeed # — Harry’s running speed
set harry jumpz # — Jump height
set harry AccelRate # — Harry’s acceleration
set harry wideness # — Harry’s width
set harry AirSpeed # — Flight Speed
Getting the number of points, beans, …
givebeans – number of beans
givehousepoints – number of Gryffindor points
giveseeds – number of fire seeds
giveallcards – get all but one card (the 25th)
Set up Harry
set harry lifePotions # — lightning level
set harry MaxLifePotions # — Lightning points
set harry ambientglow # — Harry brightness
set harry drawscale # — Harry’s height
set harry fatness # — Harry’s thickness
set harry opacity -# (negative numbers only) — Harry’s opacity
killall harry – Harry disappears and the camera freezes in one position (1). You can specify another class name in place of harry, e.g. pig, snail, bronzechest.
set actor evulnerabletospell spell_ectomatic — Harry only knows the Ectomatis spell (throwing a small amount of slime at the object for which the spell is intended). It becomes impossible to pass the game.
Changing the environment
Opening doors (on separate page).
set actor bhidden false — Doors disappear and appear «some thing from the editor»
set actor bhidden true — All objects (including doors) and subjects disappear.
set light lighthue # — light tones of the objects
set light lightsaturation # — light saturation of objects
Unlocking Quidditch when debug mode is enabled
If the hp.ini file does not have such a section, add it:
If you have enabled debug mode and the file is locked (read-only attribute is set), you will need to unlock this attribute before editing, and return it to its place after the edit.
This can be done automatically by the «HP and Your PC» software
Change the colour depth setting for compatibility with Windows 8 and newer systems
In hp.ini file find the mentioned two lines (they are in different parts of the file, in two different sections — file search to help 😉 ) and change 16 to 32 (Windows 8 and newer systems do not work with 16-bit colour).
If you enabled debug mode and the file is locked (read-only attribute is set), you will have to unset this attribute before editing, and put it back in place after editing.
This can be done automatically by the «HP and Your PC» software (from early versions).
These codes do not work:
baseharry numstars – the number of stars found in the test
killharry – the command does not work (not recognized by the game engine)1
The article was prepared by АlехeyMS, special «Thanks» Setebos.
Article supplemented by: Arachne Spider (1), Igrokа (2), Ivan Chinchenko (3)