Cards from video games about Mr. Potter


Chocolate Frog

Everyone remembers the cards from chocolate frogs from the first 3 games.
A traditional pentagonal shape, a colorful frame and an image of a character inside that can move and «leave».

He first appears in the film about the «Philosopher’s Stone.» The original model of this card goes further into computer games.

The traditional «pentagon» is preserved in the first 3 games and the Quidditch World Cup game.

Ron: — I have six of them.
Harry: — Hey! He’s gone!
Ron: Did you think he’d be with you all day?

From the 1st movie

from a video game based on the first movie, for consoles:
The episode with Dumbledore’s card, on which Harry learned information about Nicolas Flamel, the creator of the Philosopher’s stone.

— … And he is no longer the Supreme Wizard of the Wizengamot, that is, the court of wizards, and there is talk that the Order of Merlin of the first degree can be taken away from him.
— But Dumbledore says he doesn’t give a damn about any of this, as long as they don’t take him off the cards in chocolate frogs.

From the 5th book, about the persecution of Dumbledore

General information

The game «Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone»


Quantity : 25 cards.
Numbering : Intermittent numbering from 1 to 101 (with a total number of cards – 25). It feels like this order is a preparation for the 2nd game.

Shape : Traditional pentagonal shape.
Categories : None.
Color : The same type of cards with the same gold rim.
Shirt : No.
Animation : No.
Scheme : The diagram shows a rigid binding of each card to its place. If the card is not found, the place remains empty.
Size : The ability to view the card in an enlarged size on the diagram.
Characters : Wizards and sorceresses.
Signature : Yes.
Search : Since it is impossible to re-passe through the levels, skipping at least one card leads to the fact that the game will have to be re–played (to get the last card).
Win : Yes, for completing the levels.
Purchase : Yes. Buying from Fred and George for candy (deal).
Bonus card : Yes, at the end of the game, for collecting all the cards and 250 beans.
Bonuses for cards : No.
Prize cards : None.
For more information, see: Cards “Philosopher’s Stone».

The game «Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets»

Quantity : 101 cards.
Numbering : End-to-end numbering. 25 cards from the previous game – repeated with the same numbers.
Shape : Traditional pentagonal shape.
Categories : Divided into 3 categories – Bronze (50 cards), Silver (40 cards) and Gold (11 cards).
Color : The cards of each category have a rim on the frame of the corresponding color – bronze, silver or gold.
Shirt : No.
Animation : Only the prize cards on the wall of the prize room (in the game itself) are animated in 3D.
Scheme : The scheme is divided into 3 categories, where the found card falls from this category. There is no rigid binding of the card to its place on the diagram, filling goes as it is found.
Size : The ability to view the card in an enlarged size on the scheme.
Characters : Wizards and sorceresses.
Signature : Yes.
Search : The cards are scattered around the game without any system. The exception is the Golden Room. It contains only Gold Cards.
Win : No. All cards are searched independently during the game.
Purchase : Yes. Buying from students for candy. Specific students sell only a card of the same category (bronze or silver). Cards begin to be sold after completing the levels, if these cards were not collected there. The bronze cards located in Hogwarts and the courtyard are not for sale, they will have to be found by themselves. Silver cards begin to be sold all after passing the last level in the game (in order to give everyone a chance to get into the Golden Room).
Bonus Card : No.
Card Bonuses : 1 extra life is given for finding each 10th bronze card. For finding each 10th silver card, 1 key is given from the 1 of the 4 bolts in the door of the Golden Room.
Prize cards : Having 40 silver cards, you can go to the Golden Room to get 11 gold cards there. For more information, see: Cards “Chamber of Secrets».

The game «Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban»

Quantity : 80 cards.
Numbering : There is no end-to-end numbering. Numbering goes within the category, from 1 to 15 (or from 1 to 5).
Shape : Traditional pentagonal shape.
Categories : All cards are grouped into 10 categories. In 3 of them there are 15 cards, in the rest – 5.
Color : Cards of each category have a frame and a rim of a certain color.
Shirt : Yes. Each category of cards has its own “shirt” in an inverted form (in a stack).
Animation : No.
Scheme : Rigid binding of each card to its place. The advantage is that you can easily figure out which number you are missing and where to look for this particular card.
Size : The ability to view the card in an enlarged size on the diagram.
Characters : Wizards and sorceresses, magical creatures and animals.
Signature : No.
Search : Many categories of cards are concentrated in one specific level of the game, which makes it easier to search.
Win : Yes, 15 cards are won on 3 separate challenges.
Purchase : Yes. 26 cards are being purchased. Buying from students, Fred and George for candy and stuff. Each card is sold for a certain price and in a certain sequence: all students sell the same card until it is bought, then the next one is sold.
Bonus card : For 74 cards collected in the game, you can get the 15th card from the Famous Wizards category in Fred and George’s shop.
Card bonuses : For 75 cards, you can get into the prize room for an unlimited time.
Prize Cards : 5 prize cards in the prize room.
For more information, see: Cards “Prisoner of Azkaban».

The Quidditch World Cup game

Quantity : 78 cards (full or 104 partial).
Numbering : None.
Shape : The cards retain a pentagonal shape.
Categories : Complex multi-level breakdown: by 4 faculties, 9 countries, 2 special categories.
Color : The same type of rim on all cards. Blue tone and light wood finish.
Shirt : Yes. Each category of cards has its own “shirt» in an inverted form. Coats of arms of faculties and countries on shirts of categories. The image of the snitch on the shirt of each card won, the image of the castle on each card not yet won.
Animation : Yes. Animation in 3D (possible when configured).
Scheme : Rigid binding to its place on the scheme.
Size : The ability to view the card in an enlarged size on the diagram (when flipped). Cards in a small size are closed and not visible.
Characters : Quidditch players from Hogwarts school teams and world teams (characters from the game itself); stadiums and coats of arms.
Signature : No.
Search : No.
Win : Yes. To get each card, you need to fulfill a certain condition in training and matches.
Purchase : No.
Bonus card : Yes. After winning all the cards, the last 1 card is issued.
Bonuses for cards : As the number of cards collected increases, new bonuses open up: the opportunity to perform one or another special technique.
Prize cards : After winning the first World Championship and after winning it, 1 card is issued at all skill levels.
For more information, see: Quidditch World Cup cards.

The game “Goblet of Fire”

Quantity : 169 cards.
Numbering : None.
Shape : Rectangular shape.
Categories : 5 categories – 3 Characters (6 sets each), 1 Level (3 sets), 1 Animal (5 sets).
Color : Rims of certain colors for cards that are similar in purpose – adding stamina, the power of a magic strike, collecting candy, etc.
Shirt : Yes. The shirt describes the advantages that this card gives.
Animation : Bonus cards in each set can be viewed as an animation (when flipped).
Scheme : Rigid binding to its place on the scheme.
Size : The ability to view the card in an enlarged size on the diagram (when flipped).
Characters : Stills from movies; characters, creatures and levels from the game.
Signature : No.
Search : Yes. Search for “disappearing cards», when they are found, they fall into a set of cards with completed tasks.(Added by a visitor to our site Helena). .
Win : Yes. The availability of cards for purchase is won.
Purchase : Yes. Each card is worth a certain number of candies.
Bonus card : Yes. For each fully assembled set of cards, 1 bonus card is given.
Bonuses for cards : Each card gives some advantage to the character in the fight against magical creatures or in the execution of spells.
Prize cards : None.
For more information, see: Cards “Goblet of Fire».

The game «Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”

There are no cards in this game, as such, but they can be played in mini-games.
In the second game you can hear the sales students, offering a card, saying: “I have a Silver Sorcerer card, it has not even been played once.”.
And only in the 5th game, “HP and the Order of the Phoenix”, you can finally see how the students played with these cards. Among the cards in the mini-games, you can see cards from the games “HP and the Chamber of Secrets” and “HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban».

Mini-game «Exploding Cards» :

Mini-game “Explosion-cutter” :

The author of this part of the article: Setebos

Characters on the cards

Many of the characters on the cards in the first three games are repeated.
Some images are left, some are modified.
There are several cards that have gone through all 3 games without changing the image.
These include only 3 cards:

Bowman Wright, inventor of the golden snitch.

Ignatia Wildsmith, 1227 — 1320.
The inventor of volatile gunpowder.

Helga Hufflepuff

The remaining cards are either repeated only in 2 out of 3 games, or the characters depicted on them graphically change (from the 2nd game to the 3rd).
Graphic modifications of some characters are interesting :

Rowena Ravenclaw

Roderick Plumpton
card card

Morgan le Fay
card card

Oswald Beamish

The card has been found!

The most exciting sight is in the “Philosopher’s Stone”, when Harry finds another card and with the help of magic twists it, and then it disappears.

The author of this part of the article: OOKS
No less interesting are the card sales in the Secret Room and the Prisoner of Azkaban: (the article has not yet been created)

Placement and web design (at start): OOKS