Chamber of Secrets. Cheat codes (PC)


After reading this article, you can pass through the walls of the magic school and other places of the game world, see all this from a bird’s eye view, open previously inaccessible levels in the game on the book and film.

To use the codes, you need to change something in the game settings file 😉

For this you can use our software «HP and your computer» or edit the file manually.

After you turn on debug mode, green letters and numbers appear at the top of the screen.

Debug Mode Options and Commands.

1. Hotkeys

F4 — opens a menu for selecting levels and bookmarks.

F6 — restore Harry’s health.

F9 — learn all spells.

PageUp / PageDown — speed up/slow down the game.

Delete — enable/disable free camera (controlled by arrow).

Ins — create a screenshot in the save folder (works very unreliable).

~ — open console to enter text commands.

2. Commands for the console

set statusitemgryffindorpts ncount 1000 — Gryffindor now has 1000 points.

set statusitemslytherinpts ncount 1000 — Slytherin now has 1000 points.

set statusitemravenclawpts ncount 1000 — Ravenclaw now has 1000 points.

set statusitemhufflepuffpts ncount 1000 — Hufflepuff now has 1000 points.

set statusitemjellybeans ncount 500 — number of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans.

set statusitemflobbermucus ncount 200 — amount of phlobber worm mucus.

set statusitemwiggenbark ncount 200 — the amount of Wiggentree Bark.

set statusitemwiggenwell ncount 200 — amount of Potion Wiggenweld (green bottles).

set statusitemstars ncount 20 — number of stars on the workshops.

giveallcards — get a full set of cards.

swordmode — enables/disables sword mode.

goylemode — enable/disable Goyle mode.

exit / quit — leave the game.

set HGame.HChar bObjectCanBePickedUp True — take living creatures by hand.

set HGame.HProp bObjectCanBePickedUp True — take items by hand.

opacity -100 — make Harry invisible.

opacity 100 — make Harry visible.

AddHealthPotential 100 — add 1 lightning.

AddHealthPotential 600 -add 6 lightnings.

AddHealthPotential -100 — remove 1 lightning.

AddHealthPotential -600) — remove 6 lightnings.

SpellCursor_Distance 100000 — change spell range.

Cam_Distance 1000 — change the distance from the camera to the character.

set BeanRoomTimerManager fCountdownTime 1000 — add extra time in the prize room.

fpsmode — enable camera first person view.

set harry drawscale 2 — change the scale factor of drawing Harry.

set actor drawscale 2 — change the scale of drawing all actors.

set harry fatness 1000 — change the weight of Harry.

set actor fatness 1000 — change the weight of all actors (norm: 125-150).

pause — pause/resume gameplay.

throwweapon — throw a magic wand.

activateitem wand — return the magic wand.

get package.class_name property — gets the value of the class property (example: get hpmodels.harry health).

keybinding — show the purpose of the specified key.

stat all — display statistics, except animations.

stat none — turn off the display of statistics.

stat default — display default statistics.

stat reset — disable all messages except stat fps.

stat anim — enable/disable to display statistics on animation for all characters with DrawType DT_Mesh.

stat audio — show sound statistics.

stat fps — enable/disable display of current and average number of frames per second.

stat game — enable/disable game engine statistics display.

stat hardware — enable/disable hardware accelerator statistics display.

stat light — enable/disable the list of lights that affect players.

stat render — enable/disable visualization statistics.

stat actor — enable/disable statistics for character.

getcolordepths — show the list of palettes supported by your video card.

getcurrentcolordepth — get the depth of the color palette (16 or 32).

getcurrentres — get the current resolution of the game screen.

preferences — show advanced settings window.

getres — get a list of available game screen resolutions.

isfullscreen — returns «true» if the game is fullscreen.

confighash — get configuration data.

brightness 0.5 — set the brightness (from 0.0 to 1.0). If called without parameters, the values ​​switch cyclically.

flush — reset all game options, clear cache, reload textures and recalculate lighting.

fov 90 — set the viewing angle (in degrees). For this function to work, the parameter bAllowFOV=True must be set in the ini-file.

setres 1280x900 — set game screen resolution.

setres 1280x900x32 — set the game screen resolution and color depth (16/32 bit)

slomo 0.2 (0.01-1.00) — change gameplay speed.

setspeed 1.0 — change player movement speed.

editactor class=harry — call the settings panel properties of the active character. Works if the game is in window mode.

setsensitivity 1 — set mouse sensitivity.

exec myscript — run the script file in UnrealScript. The file must be located in the «system» folder..

endfullscreen — switch the game to windowed mode.

hideactors — hide all characters in the game.

showactors — return all characters to the game.

open 123.unr — open level 123.unr from the maps folder.

playersonly — stop/unlock all minor characters, events, objects. Only controlled character is active.

causeevent — send the event to all characters or objects that have trigger functions. For example, in the first game, these are doors.

killall . — remove all characters of the specified class.

viewclass firecrab — allows you to see the game world from the representative of the selected class (looping). Harry, for some reason, looks at the world from a height just above the knees.

showall — show all paths, triggers and stuff. For termination, it is enough to reload the level or move to another loadable location. For example: from the castle go to the courtyard.

cancel — cancellation.

demoplay mydemo [?noframecap] [?timebased] [?3rdperson] — play back the recorded demo. Example:

demoplay mydemo?3rdperson?timebased

?noframecap — this option allows you to play the recording in the opposite direction and as quickly as possible. Works with the timedemo set to 1.

?timebased — this parameter sets smoother playback. If playback is too slow (compared to actual speed).

?3rdperson — allow flying around the main character as a spectator. This parameter also allows you to view the record from the bots.

demorec mydemo — record the passage in the file mydemo.

stopdemo — stop demo recording or playback.

report — copy the current game report to the clipboard.

set spelltrigger drawtype dt_sprite — Display spell triggers. set spelltrigger drawtype dt_none — Hide spell triggers.

If some teams do not work — check yourself 😉

Change difficulty level

Running from the settings window or by editing the user.ini file. Find the line starting with «Difficulty=» and set the desired parameter (DifficultyHigh, DifficultyEasy).


If you have enabled debug mode and the file is locked (read-only), you will need to remove the attribute before editing it and return it to place after editing.

Placement and Editing: АlехeyMS.

Editorial and Design: OOKS.

Help with finding codes: Tara, Arachne Spider (Arachne Spider), DEMENTOR, Ivan Chinchenko, DivingDeep39.

Partially adapted list of codes from other games, taken from the site: